Be Well With Val Wellness Healing from the Inside Out Mon, 01 Apr 2024 16:28:06 +0000 es hourly 1 Be Well With Val Wellness 32 32 My Inspiration to Pursue a Career in Dietetics Mon, 01 Apr 2024 10:03:11 +0000 My Inspiration to Pursue a Career in Dietetics Leer más »


I would say that looking back at my life, I had many experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. But the one that I believe has influenced my personal growth as well as inspired my professional quest for knowledge, would be the tragic passing of my beloved maternal grandmother Maria de Jesus. She was an especially important figure in my life because she was the person that raised me, loved me unconditionally, and knew me the best. 

Her passing was especially hard for me because it happened at an age when I was already experiencing many difficult changes such as; emigrating to a new country, learning a new language, and adjusting to a new life. Her presence in my life was one of the only comforting and familiar things I had at the time. Having her with me through most of my life and then suddenly not having her at all was a very painful experience to process as a young girl. Her death was caused by complications of being a type 2 diabetic, having hypertension, high cholesterol, a poor diet, a lack of exercise, and toxicity from taking too many prescribed medications that were supposed to help her but instead caused several side effects that prevented her internal organs from doing their natural functions.  

Her sudden passing left me feeling hopeless, powerless, depressed, and with much impotence about the way things unfolded and the fact that I could not do anything to change the outcome. My grandma was gone; all I could do was grieve my way and learn how to adjust to a life without her guidance and loving support.  

I did not realize it at that time because of the enormous pain I felt when she passed, but this experience left an impression on me. It changed my outlook on life, in a way that motivated me to learn how to better take care of my and my family’s health. This realization did not happen until many years later when I started questioning my life’s purpose, my story, and what I was meant to do. 

 By doing this internal work and getting to know myself better I learned the profound impact my grandmother’s passing had on me and that I was able to turn her death into motivation for a future career in the health and wellness industry. 

That impotence that I felt as a child about not being able to do anything to help her heal and seeing her health deteriorate day by day. Taking the active, independent woman I grew up with and turning her into a fragile, immobile, sickly person that I did not recognize anymore.  

That image and those feelings were stuck with me and had unconsciously shaped my view on life, and my beliefs and that inspired my future pursuits to seek an education in the healthcare industry. I was able to turn this negative experience into a driving force that would later come as a gift in disguise when it was time to decide how I wanted to positively contribute to this world. I decided that one way to use this insight is to let it propel me in a meaningful way. I wanted to find a way to not only learn from this experience but use it to make a difference in other people’s lives.  

What this experience taught me was that as a society we do not place enough importance on our health and well-being. Often our health comes second or last in our extensive list of priorities. Most people do not realize how vital it is to be in good health. We only realize this when we are already ill, and we cannot ignore it any longer. It is not only a matter of importance but also our health plays a significant role in everything we plan to accomplish in our lifetime. When we are unhealthy, it is almost impossible to live a normal life.  

I believe that the way that my grandmother changed from a vibrant woman into a bedridden, ill person is something that can be prevented with a proper diet, adequate exercise, eliminating stress, increasing our water intake, and many other healthy habits that are key to maintaining good health and longevity. This is why I became so passionate about helping others better their health because although I was not able to help my grandmother when I was a child, I can help many other women like her that do not have the proper tools, the knowledge and that will find themselves in the same situation as my grandmother, that trustingly left her health in the hands of a health care system that failed her and caused her death instead of healing her. 

After years of studying and researching health, disease, and prevention.  It became clear to me the main problems in our society are the magnitude of health disparities that minority groups are faced with.  

Minority groups of black and Latino communities have less access to quality health care, nutritious food, clean water, and other resources that would make it possible to live a healthy lifestyle. Women like my grandmother do not have the proper tools and assistance to make well-informed decisions about their health and well-being.  

 Only less than 3% of all dietetic and nutrition professionals are Hispanic or African American. The lack of diversity in the nutrition field makes it harder for people of color to feel identified, and safe and to seek help when they need it. This was one of the main reasons why I was so driven to pursue a career in health and nutrition. Because I would like to see diversity and cultural differences being reflected in dietitians. As a future registered dietician, I want to be able to provide that safe, unbiased care to women of color, that will make them feel understood when they need nutrition and wellness care services.  

 This would be my way of honoring my grandmother, by using her unfortunate death and illness as a source of inspiration that is fueling my passion for service and taking care of women in her same position. And although I cannot change the past I can, however, influence the future and help others prevent disease, and live healthy lives just like I would have wanted my grandmother to have had the opportunity to.  

How to sneak more greens into your diet! Wed, 29 Mar 2023 14:20:00 +0000 How to sneak more greens into your diet! Leer más »


“Popeye was right about spinach: dark green, leafy vegetables are the healthiest food on the planet. As whole foods go, they offer the most nutrition per calorie”.

-Dr. Michael Greger
cabbage, herb, white cabbage-3722517.jpg

When it comes to eating healthily most of us do not get our recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. One of my favorite ways to ensure I eat healthily is to incorporate more greens into my daily diet.  

Why greens? Dark green vegetables and leafy greens offer a variety of nutrients such as fiber, calcium, vitamins K, A, C, and antioxidants such as beta carotene, which may protect the eyes and contribute to good vision.  

Leafy greens are also a major source of folate, potassium, magnesium, iron, and as I mentioned before dietary fiber for these many reasons, I believe that we should all be adding more greens to our plates with every meal we consume. According to The My Plate Nutritional Guide, they recommend that adults eat 2 ½ to 3 cups of vegetables per day. And their recommendation for dark green vegetables is about 1 ½ to 2 cups per week.  

How do you do this? Do you ask? Well first let us start with the different varieties of greens that are out there. 

There are several diverse types of leafy greens such as kale, purple kale, collard greens, mustard greens, spinach, romaine lettuce, iceberg lettuce, swiss chard, arugula, watercress, turnip greens, dandelion greens, cabbage, Bok choy, broccoli, and broccoli raab.  

I prefer to buy these gorgeous greens fresh when they are in season from my supermarket or from the farmers market, which is a wonderful way to buy seasonal, local, fresh, and more affordable produce.  

Most people do not like the taste of raw greens by themselves, especially the more bitter and dark green ones, and eating salads every day is not very appetizing.

So here are some of my favorite ways to sneak these greens into your meals: 

  • Add greens to your smoothies; adding greens such as kale, spinach arugula, and dandelion greens to a smoothie with fruit will help mask the bitter taste and make it easier to drink them.  
  • Juice greens like kale, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, spinach, and collard greens along with other fruits (pineapple, cucumber, lemon, orange) and vegetables for a delicious glass of homemade juice.  
  • Add chopped greens such as spinach, kale, and collard greens along with other vegetables to your morning omelet or tofu scramble (if you are vegan like me) for a flavorful and nourishing breakfast.  
  • Add cabbage, Bok choy, broccoli raab, broccoli, or mustard greens to stir-fries, or rice dishes, sauteed with olive oil and garlic as a side dish.  
  • Add fresh or frozen chopped greens to pasta sauces, soups, curries, chili, or your favorite stews.  
  • Add spinach, watercress, arugula, and baby kale to your sandwiches, wraps as topping on pizza, and flatbreads.  
  • use large steamed cabbage, lettuce, and swiss chard leaves as wraps for rolls, burritos, and tacos.
  • Instead of plain salad make a buddha bowl as another choice with a base of greens, then add whole grains, colorful vegetables, and your preferred choice of protein.  
  • Make a pesto sauce with kale or other greens, or make green salad dressing with cilantro, parsley, and any greens you like to use in salad bowls or as a dipping sauce.  

You can find a vast variety of dark leafy greens to choose from- from baby kale to broccoli raab to dandelion greens. I suggest you choose local and fresh when available but frozen greens are also good alternatives when short on time. There are many ways to get creative and sneak your daily serving of greens into your favorite meals, in doing so you will reap all the benefits of these flavorful and nutrient-dense vegetables. So, enjoy them raw, cooked, juiced, or blended! 

10 Easy Ways to Live a More Holistic Life! Mon, 07 Feb 2022 17:00:00 +0000 10 maneras fáciles de vivir una vida más holística Leer más »

El núcleo de la salud holística es el equilibrio. Equilibrio en tu mente, tu cuerpo y tu espíritu. Mientras que muchos asumen que un estilo de vida holístico se refiere sólo a comer sano y orgánico, hay muchas más maneras de incorporar la vida holística en su vida diaria. Empezar es a menudo la parte más difícil. Por eso, aquí hay diez formas sencillas que pueden ayudarte a adoptar un enfoque más holístico. 

#1 Bienvenida a los poderosos superalimentos 

Esto no tiene nada que ver con hacer dieta o perder peso: los superalimentos están repletos de nutrientes que ayudan a tu cuerpo a prosperar. Estos alimentos frescos y naturales ofrecen increíbles beneficios para la salud, como la optimización y el apoyo a su sistema inmunológico y el aumento de su energía. Algunos de estos alimentos son:

  • Aceite de oliva
  • Aceite de coco
  • Jengibre
  • Menta
  • Bayas de Goji
  • Almendras
  • Kale
  • Bayas de Acai
  • Nueces brasileñas
  • Y tantos otros...

#2 Practicar la atención plena

La desconexión constante del momento presente suele hacer que nos sintamos desvinculados del mundo y de quienes nos rodean. Practicar la atención plena y aprender a estar presente en el momento te permite experimentar todas las emociones y pensamientos que tienes. 

#3 Actívate

Encuentre alguna forma de actividad física que le produzca alegría: cualquier cosa, desde correr una carrera de 5 kilómetros hasta una práctica diaria de yoga. Cuando te pones en movimiento, los niveles de serotonina y dopamina en tu cuerpo aumentan de forma natural. Estas hormonas hacen que te sientas satisfecho y vigorizado. 

#4 Pasar tiempo al sol 

¿Cuál es otra hormona responsable de tu felicidad? La vitamina D. La gran noticia es que todo lo que necesitas es un poco de sol, y tu cuerpo hace el resto. La vitamina D mejora la función cerebral y nos protege de muchas formas diferentes de enfermedades autoinmunes. 

#5 Empezar a escribir un diario 

Los pensamientos que tenemos en la cabeza a menudo se sienten como pelotas de ping pong rebotando, ¡imposibles de atrapar! Escribir cuando te sientes feliz, abrumado, estresado, etc., te ayuda a procesar todas estas emociones y experiencias. También contribuye a la atención plena. 

#6 Considerar los remedios naturales para la salud 

La naturaleza nos da todo lo que necesitamos para sobrevivir. En lugar de tomar una pastilla la próxima vez que no te sientas bien, considera los remedios alternativos y naturales. A menudo no vienen con advertencias en la etiqueta ni con temibles efectos secundarios. 

#7 Practicar la gratitud 

Muchos de nosotros tendemos a centrarnos en las cosas que van mal en nuestras vidas. La verdad es que expresar el agradecimiento y tomarse el tiempo para centrarse en la positividad y la abundancia que ya tenemos puede darte un aprecio más profundo y consistente por tu vida y tus experiencias. 

#8 Usar productos de belleza naturales 

¿Ha mirado alguna vez los ingredientes de sus cosméticos o productos de cuidado de la piel? Lo más probable es que apenas puedas pronunciar la mitad de ellos, ¡lo cual es aterrador! Tu piel absorbe todo lo que se pone en ella, así que ten cuidado al elegir los productos cosméticos. Los productos de belleza naturales son cada vez más populares, así que es mucho más fácil encontrar los que te convienen. 

#9 Respeta tu cuerpo 

Vivimos en un mundo en el que amar tu cuerpo es una excepción a la regla, pero tu cuerpo es un templo. Cuidarlo y respetar todo el poder que tiene creará una relación más profunda y respetuosa entre tú y tu cuerpo. 

#10 Bienvenida al crecimiento 

El cambio da miedo, pero es inevitable. Solemos rehuir el cambio porque no sabemos lo que hay al otro lado. Pero aquí es donde ocurre la magia. Avanza paso a paso y recuerda que la vida es un viaje en el que evolucionamos constantemente.

Green smoothie recipe
Hot Quinoa Breakfast Bowl Mon, 20 Dec 2021 03:05:02 +0000 Hot Quinoa Breakfast Bowl Leer más »


This is a protein packed breakfast idea and super easy to make. Takes just a few minutes to cook and it can also be made in advance or in bulk for the whole week.

Hot Quinoa Breakfast Bowl 


1 cup of quinoa 

1 cup of almond milk 

1 cup pf water 

1 tsp of vanilla extract 

1 tsp of maple syrup, plus more if needed

1 tsp of ground cinnamon 

2 tbsp of pecans or almonds 

3-4 strawberries, thinly sliced 

2 Tbsp of non dairy yogurt (optional) 


Rinse the quinoa, add quinoa, milk, water, vanilla extract and cinnamon to a medium sauce pan. Bring to boil over low heat, and let simmer, stirring occasionally until the quinoa is tender and most of the liquid has been absorbed. 

Retirar del fuego, servir con las nueces y las fresas, añadir una cucharada de yogur, más leche, canela o más sirope de arce al gusto y disfrutar!

Green Smoothie for Glowing Skin Tue, 29 Jun 2021 21:38:34 +0000 Green Smoothie for Glowing Skin Leer más »


Green Smoothie for glowing skin 

This is my go to, gut healthy, creamy smoothie recipe. So easy to make, tastes delicious and its has all good for you ingredients. You can add your favorite plant protein to make it a post or pre work out smoothie.


1 cup of water 

1 cup of non dairy unsweetened yogurt 

1/2 of a medium avocado 

1 medium banana (frozen)

1 kiwi (peeled)

2 cups of spinach 

1 cup of kale 

1/2 cup of pineapple 

Direcciones: Blend all ingredients in high speed blender until smooth and creamy, top with hemp or chia seeds!

Blueberry Oat Pancakes Wed, 16 Jun 2021 13:25:28 +0000 Tortitas de avena con arándanos Leer más »

Los arándanos se encuentran entre las bayas más densas en nutrientes. Son bajos en calorías, altos en fibra, vitamina C y vitamina K. Tienen algunos niveles altos de antioxidantes que pueden ayudar a reducir el daño del ADN, el envejecimiento y el cáncer, los arándanos se han relacionado con beneficios para el corazón y el cerebro como: la reducción de la presión arterial reduciendo el riesgo de ataques al corazón y el envejecimiento de la función cerebral. 

 Tortitas de arándanos y harina de avena 


1 taza de copos de avena o cualquier tipo de avena 

1/4 de taza de leche vegetal de su elección 

1 plátano mediano, aproximadamente 1/2 taza 

1 cucharada de levadura en polvo 

1 cucharada de vinagre de sidra de manzana 

1 cucharada de jarabe de arce

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup of blueberries fresh or frozen 

1 cucharada de aceite de coco 


En una batidora de alta velocidad, añada todos los ingredientes excepto los arándanos y bata hasta que se forme una masa espesa. Incorpore los arándanos, pero no los mezcle. 

Dejar reposar la masa durante 5-10 minutos, para que la masa se espese ligeramente. 

Precalentar una sartén a fuego medio y engrasar ligeramente la sartén con aceite de coco. Una vez caliente, vierta un cuarto o 1/4 de taza de la masa en la sartén. Cocinar durante 1-2 minutos o hasta que los bordes empiecen a dorarse y a burbujear. Dar la vuelta y cocinar durante uno o dos minutos más. 

Repetir hasta que la masa esté hecha.

Servir y cubrir con más arándanos, rodajas de plátano y más jarabe de arce. 

Healthy Homemade Blueberry Pancakes
How to get Calcium on Plant Based Diet? Tue, 18 May 2021 02:00:38 +0000 ¿Cómo obtener calcio con una dieta basada en plantas? Leer más »


Seguro que has oído el mito de que para tener unos huesos fuertes necesitamos calcio. Y que el calcio debe provenir de los lácteos o de fuentes animales.  

Bueno, estoy aquí para decirte que eso no es en absoluto cierto, de hecho puedes obtener calcio comiendo una amplia variedad de frutas, semillas y verduras en una dieta integral basada en plantas. El calcio no sólo es bueno para los huesos, sino también para la salud mental. 

El calcio es un mineral esencial para el organismo. Desempeña muchas funciones, algunas de las cuales son: la transmisión nerviosa y la contracción muscular (incluido el corazón), la construcción y el mantenimiento de los huesos, y el mantenimiento de una presión arterial sana y de la actividad de coagulación de la sangre.

Una deficiencia de calcio o la incapacidad de absorberlo puede estar relacionada con numerosos problemas, como la osteoporosis, los latidos irregulares del corazón e incluso el insomnio. Por eso es tan importante que no sólo nos esforcemos por obtener cantidades adecuadas de este mineral, sino que elijamos fuentes que sean fácilmente absorbidas por nuestro organismo.

Su papel es importante, ya que los niveles más altos de vitaminas y minerales en los alimentos de origen vegetal dan lugar a una salud mental más positiva en las personas que comen a base de plantas, ¡está demostrado! 

El calcio es importante para calmar los nervios y asegurar la fortaleza y la salud de los huesos. Puede reducir la presión arterial, ayudar a los ciclos de sueño saludables, tratar la ansiedad y mantener el cabello, las uñas y los dientes en buen estado.

El USDA recomienda aproximadamente 1000 mg de calcio al día para el adulto medio. Tenga en cuenta que cada persona es única, al igual que sus circunstancias vitales, su estado de salud y sus necesidades dietéticas, por lo que las necesidades individuales variarán.Entonces, ¿qué puede comer para obtener calcio? 

Las mejores fuentes de calcio en una dieta basada en plantas incluyen

  • verduras de hoja verde,
  • algas y otras verduras de mar  
  • almendras
  • brócoli 
  • higos 
  • naranjas 
  • Calabaza 
  • semillas de chía y sésamo 
  • frijoles
  • leche no láctea enriquecida 
  • soja & edamame 
  • tofu & tempeh 

Ahora que sabe que es posible encontrar fuentes de calcio no lácteas. ¿Cuál es su fuente de calcio vegetal favorita?  

¡Tienes una variada selección para elegir! Mis favoritos son el tofu, las almendras, los higos y las semillas de chía. 
