10 Easy Ways to Live a More Holistic Life!

Green smoothie recipe

The core of holistic health is balance. Balance in your mind, your body, and your spirit. While many assume that a holistic lifestyle refers only to eating healthy and organic, there are many more ways that you can incorporate holistic living into your daily life. Getting started is often the most challenging part. So, here are ten easy ways that you can help you take on a more holistic approach. 

#1 Welcome Powerful Superfoods 

This has nothing to do with dieting or losing weight – superfoods are bursting with nutrients that help your body thrive. These fresh and natural foods offer incredible health benefits like optimizing and supporting your immune system and boosting your energy. A few of these food includes:

  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Ginger
  • Peppermint
  • Goji berries
  • Almonds
  • Kale
  • Acai berries
  • Brazilian nuts
  • And so many more…

#2 Practice Mindfulness

Constantly disconnecting from the present moment often leaves us feeling disassociated from the world and those around us. Practicing mindfulness and learning to be present at the moment allows you to experience all of the emotions and thoughts that you have. 

#3 Get Active

Find some form of physical activity that brings you joy – anything from running a 5K to a daily yoga practice. When you get moving, the levels of serotonin and dopamine in your body naturally increase. These hormones make you feel content and invigorated. 

#4 Spend Time In The Sun 

What’s another hormone responsible for your happiness? Vitamin D! The great news is that all you need is a little sunshine, and your body does the rest. Vitamin D improves brain function and protects us from many different forms of autoimmune disease. 

#5 Start Journaling 

The thoughts in our head can often feel like ping pong balls bouncing around, impossible to catch! Writing when you’re feeling happy, overwhelmed, stressed, etc., helps you process all of these emotions and experiences. It also contributes to mindfulness. 

#6 Consider Natural Health Remedies 

Nature really does give us everything we need to survive. Instead of reaching for a pill the next time you are feeling less than fantastic, consider alternative and natural remedies. They often don’t come with any label warnings or scary side effects. 

#7 Practice Gratitude 

Many of us tend to give a great deal of focus and energy to things that are going wrong in our lives. The truth is that expressing thankfulness and taking the time to focus on the positivity and abundance that we already have can give you a deeper and more consistent appreciation for your life and experiences. 

#8 Use Natural Beauty Products 

Have you ever taken a look at the ingredients in your cosmetics or skincare? The chances are that you can barely pronounce half of them – which is terrifying! Your skin absorbs everything that goes on it, so be mindful when choosing cosmetic products. Natural beauty products are becoming more popular every day, so it is much easier to find the ones that suit you. 

#9 Respect Your Body 

We live in a world where loving your body is an exception to the rule, but your body is a temple. Taking care of it and respecting all of the power that it has will create a deeper and more respectful relationship between you and your body. 

#10 Welcome Growth 

Change is scary, but it is inevitable. We usually back away from change because we don’t know what is on the other side. But this is where the magic happens! Take your progress one step at a time, and remember that life is a journey on which we constantly evolve.

Green smoothie recipe